bibelexegese’s avatarbibelexegese’s Twitter Archive

368 tweets


  1. If you want to follow news on our #Bibelexegese project in the future, please follow us at You even do not need an account to follow. Besides, you could also simply direct your favorite feed reeder to @Akademienunion @bbaw_de
  2. Look! You can now search faster and more reliable the texts in the #PTA @bbaw_de. For example: Who's using ὅρα (“look”)? Besides the fulltext search (based on regex; lemmatized search coming soon), there's also a lemmatized distance search possible.
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  3. Did you know that in the #Patristic Text Archive's index of biblical quotations you can now also filter for example for #Hexaplaric readings? @bbaw_de @Akademienunion
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  4. Did you know that you can print the texts in the #Patristic Text Archive (, both with and without the annotations? There's a button in the "Options" menu in the reader. @bbaw_de @Akademienunion
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  5. The #TEI #manuscripts database of the #PatristicTextArchive @BBAW has received another technical update: you can now filter the manuscripts interactively via a map or a timeline. @Akademienunion
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  6. The #PatristicTextArchive @bbaw_de recently got a major technical update: it has now a viewer for digitized images (using #iiif standard) in the #TEI #manuscripts database (example: and in the reader (example: @Akademienunion
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  7. The encoding guidelines of the #PatristicTextArchive for #critical #digital #editions of antique Christian texts using #TEI have recently been updated to version 3.0. Look at and download the schema ( @Akademienunion @bbaw_de
  8. You can follow us now (also) at
  9. Herzliche Einladung zum Digital Classicist Seminar heute (16:15 Uhr) @bbaw_de und online ( #digiclass
  10. Herzliche Einladung zum Digital Classicist Seminar morgen (16:15 Uhr) @bbaw_de und online ( @PhilologistGRC / Julia Deen (Tufts University) sprechen über: "Digital Sources about Berlin and the 19th century invention of Classical Philology" #digiclass
  11. Herzliche Einladung zum (hybriden) Eusebius-Kolloquium am 8.2.2023, 13-18 Uhr @bbaw_de (und online) mit Vorträgen und Lektüre zu Eusebius Werke X/3, erschienen 2022 bei @degruyter_TRS. Anmeldung unter ... 1/3
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their APIoh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API


  1. Wir freuen uns, dass heute die öffentliche Beta-Version des »Patristic Text Archive (PTA)«, dem #OpenAccess-Archiv antiker christlicher Texte, in dem nicht nur wir unsere Editionen publizieren, online gegangen ist. #digiclass @bbaw_de @Akademienunion
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  2. The #PatristicTextArchive @bbaw_de recently got a major technical update: it has now a viewer for digitized images (using #iiif standard) in the #TEI #manuscripts database (example: and in the reader (example: @Akademienunion
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  3. Coming soon... #patristics #digiclass #openaccess
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  4. Eusebius von Caesarea Werke Band X Der Psalmenkommentar. Tel 3: Fragmente zu Psalm 101-150, ediert von Franz Xaver Risch @bbaw_de ist erschienen
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  5. …in reply to @bibelexegese
    We are happy to announce the public beta of the “Patristic Text Archive (PTA)”, the #openaccess archive for (critical) editions and translations of ancient Christian texts. Contributions welcome!
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  6. Patristic Text Archive Update 2/2021: Indices, Permalinks, one more dictionary, a CTS-API, one added text and some amendments to the texts (more texts to follow at the beginning of 2022), and #IIIF manifest URL added to manuscript descriptions @bbaw_de @telotadh #digiclass #PTA

I’ve retweeted other tweets 131 times (35.6%)

Most Retweeted

  1. markschies 14 retweets
  2. AntikeKolleg 12 retweets
  3. bbaw_de 11 retweets
  4. AvStockh 9 retweets
  5. dighum_berlin 7 retweets
  6. crbates1 6 retweets
  7. Akademienunion 6 retweets
  8. bibelexegese 4 retweets
  9. hsozkult 4 retweets
  10. degruyter_TRS 4 retweets

Most Retweeted (Last 12 months)

  1. crbates1 6 retweets
  2. AntikeKolleg 5 retweets
  3. bbaw_de 3 retweets
  4. MarconJacopo 2 retweets
  5. EmilianoFiori11 2 retweets
  6. dbbeUgent 2 retweets
  7. markschies 2 retweets
  8. AvStockh 2 retweets
  9. dighum_berlin 2 retweets
  10. Textplus_NFDI 2 retweets

Replies and Mentions

19.6% of my tweets are replies (×72)

Most Replies To

  1. mcassin2 4 replies
  2. JeremiahCoogan 4 replies
  3. noah_nonsense 3 replies
  4. markschies 2 replies
  5. d_stoekl 2 replies

Most Replies To (Last 12 months)

  1. mcassin2 2 replies
  2. wjb_mattingly 1 reply
  3. DanBatovici 1 reply
  4. MarconJacopo 1 reply
  5. Textplus_NFDI 1 reply

I’ve sent someone a mention 5 times (1.4%)

84.0% of the links I’ve posted are using the https: protocol (189 of 225)

94.4% of the links I’ve posted in the last 12 months are using the https: protocol (34 of 36)

Top Domains

  1. 77 tweets
  2. 34 tweets
  3. 14 tweets
  4. 11 tweets
  5. 8 tweets
  6. 8 tweets
  7. 5 tweets
  8. 4 tweets
  9. 4 tweets
  10. 3 tweets

Top Hosts

  1. 48 tweets
  2. 34 tweets
  3. 14 tweets
  4. 11 tweets
  5. 11 tweets
  6. 11 tweets
  7. 8 tweets
  8. 8 tweets
  9. 5 tweets
  10. 4 tweets

My tweets have been given about ♻️ 698 retweets and ❤️ 1,330 likes

Top 5 Emoji Used in Tweets

  1. 👇 used 6 times on 1 tweets
  2. 🤷‍♀️ used 1 times on 1 tweets
  3. 😀 used 1 times on 1 tweets
  4. 👉 used 1 times on 1 tweets

4 unique emoji on 4 tweets (1.7% of all tweets***)

Top 5 Hashtags

  1. digiclass used 46 times
  2. pta used 24 times
  3. tei used 7 times
  4. patristictextarchive used 4 times
  5. iiif used 4 times on 3 tweets

134 hashtags on 133 tweets (56.1% of all tweets***)