How to build a platform for critical digital editions of ancient Christian texts
Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften
8 Aug 2024
PTA Linked Open Data
Distance Search
(2[4]-column; versioning)
Visualisation of metadata (sources, identifiers) and recommendations for reuse (citation, permalink, versions, license)
Variant “apparatus”
Enrichment of annotations (here: biblical references, also: persons, places; using authority files)
Embedding of digitized images of manuscripts (via IIIF standard)
Classical Language Dictionary (CLD) for Greek and Latin, using SEDRA API for Syriac
Screenshot oXygen editor
Screenshot of CollateX HTML-Output
diagram by M. Fechner, adapted by A. v. Stockhausen
Dr. Annette von Stockhausen
BBAW, Akademienvorhaben „Die alexandrinische und antiochenische Bibelexegese in der Spätantike“
Annette von Stockhausen: The Patristic Text Archive (PTA). How to build a platform for critical digital editions of ancient Christian texts